About Us

The SACFF came into existence in 2002 when a small group of Indian Christian families, prompted by the Holy Spirit came together to form a non-denominational Christian family fellowship. Despite the fact that hundreds of Indian Christians and non-Christians are living in and around San Antonio, there was no Christian fellowship in San Antonio prior to the inception of SACFF. God has blessed this fellowship abundantly and the membership has grown from 5 to 15 families. SACFF is a Para-church fellowship serving the spiritual needs of several San Antonio families with diverse cultural backgrounds and nationalities for all these years. Through the SACFF, it is our desire to create an atmosphere that is God honoring and family friendly, welcoming and serving people of all diverse backgrounds, fulfilling our spiritual needs, and sharing the love of God. With the substantial increase in the membership and its ever increasing demand for spiritual growth and development, SACFF conducts Home prayer on the First Saturday, Bible Study on the Second Saturday, and The Worship Service on the Fourth Saturday of every month.